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The book is constructed of four main elements:
a tray, twelve bottles, dyed water, and a light source, representing the components of a book. The tray is the cover or container, the bottles are the pages, and the colors are the content. The water in bottles is cyan, magenta, or yellow - the primaries of subtractive color theory. By staging the book in front of a light source like a window, the water acts as filters, allowing the viewer to observe the entire spectrum of color.


The box functions as the case of the book, while the bottles are individual containers for the pages. Because the bottles are so small, they are easy to handle. The sequence appears through the image that crosses the pages, and through the action of removing and replacing the pieces. as individuals, they appear to be almost abstract linework, and only together create the complete image.


I found the box that holds the bottles in the trash behind my apartment. The raw wood mimics the “aged” paper in the bottles, and though the bottles are all different heights, the scrolls all come to the same height to create an even silhouette. I cut drawing paper into squares before crumpling and flattening them. I soaked the papers in coffee and then baked them in the oven until golden brown.  For the content, I created a sketch of a street in Crown Heights, where I live, to capture the place where I found the containers.

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